When Our Greater Jewish World Needs Unity Most

Perhaps more than ever before, our Jewish people feel a natural urge to be together and help to remedy the countless internal rifts that continue to plague our nation. True Jewish unity feels more important – yet all-too-often- more elusive in the face of a year of challenge, pain and unspeakable loss.


A Specially Drafted Tefilla

In response, Tzohar is partnering with organizations from all over the world to join a historic and deeply meaningful initiative with the release of a specially drafted tefilla for unity. This initiative will allow you and your communities to feel a part of the ‘Jewish collective’ of the thousands of Jews across the globe. It will be recited in over 400 Tzohar minyanim all over Israel, that unite religious and secular Jews, in an open, welcoming Tzohar manner.  We encourage you to register your community to receive a print version of the prayer or download it to print at home.


Partnering diaspora communities with Israeli communities

419 is the gematriya for achdut-unity as well as the 419 Yom Kippur programs Tzohar is coordinating across IsraelTzohar invites you to register your Diaspora community to be “paired” with Israeli communities, allowing us to truly feel that sense of being one people with one heart on this holiest of days.

ברוב עם

Join us and encourage others to unite with us as we cry out to the heavens to bless us with greater unity in response to the many challenges facing our local, national and global communities.

Register here to receive the Tefilla in your shul or inbox:

Support The Yom Kippur Unity Project.

For check and bank transfer options:  https://tzohar-eng.org/donate/

Thoughts on Jewish Unity from Our Partners

Rabbi David Stav, Founder and Chair of Tzohar
Rabbi David Stav, Founder and Chair of TzoharA very clear understanding - we need to be accepting of others
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From the very first words recited on Yom Kippur within Kol Nidrei we say על דעת המקום ועל דעת הקהל, the message is clear that this is a day where we are beseeching the Heavens as individuals - but with the very clear understanding that we need to be accepting of others – both those within our close community and within the wider Jewish world.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"lWhat would the High Priest do?
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Everything about Yom Kippur teaches us the absolute indivisible unity of the Jewish people. On the holiest day of the year, on the holiest spot on earth, the holiest man among the people – the High Priest – would do what? He would atone for himself, and then for his family, and then for the entire congregation of Israel. There were absolutely no divisions. The most righteous still needed to be forgiven. And the least righteous still were able to be forgiven. On Yom Kippur there is complete equality between Jews and complete unity between Jews.
Zeev Schwartz, Executive Director, Torah MiZion
Zeev Schwartz, Executive Director, Torah MiZionThis year, as we face renewed adversity, unity becomes even more vital
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The concept of Torah MiTzion and its shlichim embodies the spirit of unity and communal responsibility. The shlichim (emissaries) serve as a bridge between Israel and the Diaspora, ensuring that Jewish values and missions are upheld. The inspiration that the communities and shlichim gain from one another highlight the importance of bridging oceans and cultures to thrive in our Jewish homes. This year, as we face renewed adversity, unity becomes even more vital. Yom Kippur thus becomes not just a day of personal atonement but a celebration of communal solidarity—to gather, to reflect, to seek forgiveness, and renew our commitment to God, one another, and shared values. This collective introspection underscores the importance of national cohesion in confronting challenges and pursuing common goals.
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We will add your community to the dropbox menu ASAP and we will then send you an email with more information to help you spread the word.


Was this donation made in someone’s honor or memory? We’ll be happy to send a dedication letter with a personalized message to the recipient of your choice.
An example of the content of the message to be sent:
MEALuim Logo Tzohar Logo


a gift has been made to MEALuim from

This gift

  • Sends a delicious meal to an IDF reserve family.
  • Relieves the parent of thinking about one week night dinner.
  • Distracts the children, even for a few hours, from another night worrying about their parent on the battlefield.

Perhaps more importantly,

This gift

  • Sends Israeli Jews a reminder Jews worldwide care about them.
  • Tells soldiers that they can stay focused on the battlefield because we have their backs.
  • Tells miluim families that we remember for them it is still painful and scary.
  • Says כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה.

To learn more about MEALuim, please visit https://tzohar-eng.org/mealuim/