Keeping us Jewish, together
Tzohar is providing Jewish services that are warm and welcoming to today’s secular Jewish people around the world.
Our pioneering, people-centric approach to Jewish living and Jewish identity is based upon Ahavat Yisrael, ethical standards and Jewish law and the richly diverse multicultural Judaism of 21st century Israel.
Tzohar is nationally renowned for our sensitive culture of rabbinic leadership.
Tzohar creates Jewish experiences that touch the history, heritage and traditions of the group.
We are evolving a range of essential, meaningful, and joyful grassroots Jewish identity and lifestyle services that positively impact on sustaining Jewish life.
Tzohar’s public policy work is successfully evolving workable solutions in response to national Jewish social and political issues. It is positively shaping the delicate relationship between religion and State in Israel.
Our growing accomplishments directly serve to guarantee the Jewish future of the State of Israel for the next generation.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, 25th January 2017
“Tzohar’s work is a great vision of “ensuring the Jewish identity of Israel by connecting to all sectors in the country.”
Shimon Peres z”l, Former President of the State of Israel, said of Tzohar
“You represent the light of Israel. You represent the warm heart, the soul and the love of Israel. It is imperative that the Jewish People draw pride and educational inspiration from your work. I express my appreciation on behalf of all citizens of Israel….”