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Rabbis Israel - RABBI DAVID STAV

Rabbi David Stav

Chief Rabbi City of Shoham
& Chairman of Tzohar

Rav Stav is a graduate of Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav and has qualification for Dayanut (Rabbinical Judge) from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Rav Stav lectures in the women’s Judaic program at Bar Ilan University, authors a weekly column in the Israel Hayom newspaper and recently published several books on Halacha and the Bible.

Under Rav Stav’s courageous leadership, Tzohar has emerged as one of the most dominant social forces, paving the way for a more ethical, inclusive and inspiring approach to Zionist, Jewish life in Israel.


Rabbi Raffi Feuerstein

Vice-Chairman of the Feuerstein Institute

Rabbi Feuerstein attended the Netiv Meir Yeshiva High School in Jerusalem and he then went on to study at Jerusalem’s Merkaz Harav Yeshiva. He served in the IDF while continuing to pursue yeshiva studies and became a Dayan. Rabbi Feuerstein is the vice-chairman of the Feuerstein Institute and over the last ten years Rabbi Feuerstein has focused particularly on introducing methods for advancing learning skills into the educational systems in Israel and other countries, and on advancing culturally-different people.


Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

Modern Orthodox Rabbi and Posek

Rabbi Cherlow is Rosh Yeshivat Hesder of Petah Tikva. Rabbi Cherlow is a graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion and served as a company commander in the Tank Corps. Rabbi Cherlow was one of the first rabbis to answer halchic questions via the internet. Rabbi Cherlow has written over ten books on subjects such as halachic issues, subjects on the public agenda and faith (Emunah).  Rabbi Cherlow is a member of the ethics committee of the Israeli Ministry of Health, as well as the committee that allocates the government budget for new drugs.


Rabbi Tzachi Lehman

Established Tzoharʹs Rabbinic Professional Development Program

One of the founders of the organization, a member of the religious Board and Director of the training of community rabbis.

He combines higher Torah education with training and guidance and is a lecturer and facilitator of seminars and workshops in diverse approaches.  He served as a rabbi and head of the “Ali-Ariel” kollel in “Bnei David”; and head of the Beit Midrash Meretz.

Rav Tzachi is married to Shulamit, they have seven children and grandfather of nine grandchildren.

Why Tzohar? To effect change

Rabbis Israel - Rabbi Eyal Vered

Rabbi Eyal Vered

Religious Board of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization

Born in Petach Tikva, he is a graduate of Yeshivot Nachalim, Chispin and the Chazon elchanan Kollel in the City of David. He served in the tank unit in the 188 Brigade and continues to serve as a rav in his reserve duties.

Rav Eyal has taught in the following institutions: Atzmona Mechina; Ariel’s Student Beit Midrash; Girl’s Midrasha at Ariel;   Dimona’s Yeshiva High School; Orayta Program for girls doing Sherut Leumi;

Rav Eyal also concluded a course in Marriage counseling at ‘Machon Binyan Shalem’.

Rav Eyal teaches and conducts workshops at the Meretz Beit Midrash as part of the training of community rabbis. He is a faculty member at the Midrasha LaNashim in Bar-Ilan, an educational content consultant at the Meir Children’s Channel on television and the Internet, and serves as the rabbi of the ‘Yachdav’ community in Petah Tikva.

In 2015, he joined the Religious Board of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization.

He is married to Michal, an Educational Counselor in the Ministry of Education, they have six children and live in Petach Tikva.

Rabbis Israel - Rabbi Asher Sabag

Rabbi Asher Sabag

Tzohar Rabbi

Born in Netanya to a traditional Sephardic family from Morocco. Rabbi Sabag studied at Rambam, a religious school in Netanya and then attended Shalavim high school. He went to Or Etzion Hesder Yeshiva and served in the 890 paratrooper battalion as both a soldier and commander and fulfills his reservist duties as a rabbi of the same battalion.

Rabbi Sabag served as the coordinator of the “Panim Al Mapnim”, the “Israeli Journey” project of the Genesis movement, and as one of the content writers of the project. He coordinated the Halacha proficiency program proficiency at Yeshivat HaKotel.

About a year and a half after his marriage, he moved to Rishon Lezion to serve as rabbi of a traditional Spanish community, and spent two years training in the Tzohar community rabbinical project. He taught at the pre-military preparatory school in Ra’anana. He founded the Ma’ale Shimoni school in Rishon LeTzion, and engaged in projects of connecting religious and secular in the city of Rishon LeTzion. He completed a bachelor’s degree in Bible teaching, Oral Torah and Jewish Thought, and a master’s degree in Jewish philosophy, and a city rabbinate certificate.

Married to Sheva, screenwriter and film teacher, lecturer in the “Jewish Soul” organization. They have five children and live in Rishon LeTzion.

Israel Rabbis - Rabbanit Michal

Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

Head of Halachic Program at the Beit Midrash in Migdal Oz

Michal Tikochinsky (nee Kahana), born in 1969, grew up in Bnei Brak, in a house steeped in Torah and science. Her mother, Ruth Kahana is a mathematician and lecturer in mathematics. Her grandfather, the late Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Kahana, was the head of the Nadborna Yeshiva in Jaffa. Michal studied at the Ulpana Bnei Akiva in Tel Aviv, led by the rabbi and Rebbetzin Magnes. Later she did national service at the Etzion School at Bar Ilan University.

Michal went on shlicut for education in Antwerp, Belgium. After her return, she joined the first class of the Talmudic Institute program at the Matan in Jerusalem. The program is for women in which halachic studies were studied at a level corresponding to the level required for obtaining ordination to the rabbinate. To this day it is the only program in which a woman teaches and prepares women for these exams. As of 2018, she heads the halachic program at the Beit Midrash in Migdal Oz.

She wrote her doctoral dissertation in the Department of Talmud. Her work was printed as a book “Your Laws Learned.” In 2015, after about 15 years as head of the Beit Midrash for Women at Beit Morasha, Michal moved to teach at Herzog College, where she established the Beit Midrash for Women combined with graduate studies in the IDF, allowing women to study Torah for her sake or study Torah as part of their degree studies. A program for halakhic writing at Herzog College, which aims to encourage women to practice halakhic writing and prepare them for it.

Michal also teaches at the Shalem Academic Center, and has a regular Gemara lesson in a number of places, including a regular Los Angeles Zoom class that has been in place for many years. Michal has published many articles in study and halacha, as well as a regular column for Parshas Shavua, and a column dealing with halachic issues in the women’s magazine. Michal was a member of the management of the Beit Hillel Rabbinical Association at the beginning of his career. And she is also a consultant for this organization’s soul-searching site.

In 2021, Michal joined the religious Board of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization.

Michal lives in Nof Ayalon, married to Yakir, director of the ulpana in Beit Shemesh, is a mother of seven children and a grandmother of two.

Israeli Rabbis - Naama Sat

Rabbanit Dr. Naama Sat

Deputy head of the seminary at Bar Ilan University

Naama Set of Beit Fleischman was born in Tel Aviv in a home that educated her to open-mindedness alongside halakhic commitment. She studied at the Tel Aviv studio, and after national service she studied for five years in women’s seminaries: Blindenbaum, Bar Ilan and Migdal Oz.

She studied in the program for outstanding doctoral students at the girls’ seminary at Bar Ilan, along with doctoral studies in law, also as part of outstanding doctoral students.

Her doctoral dissertation dealt with the ways in which Rabbi Uziel ruled in family law.

Naama ran the Hebrew Law Clinic at Bar Ilan University, lecturing at various academic institutions. She currently serves as the deputy head of the seminary at Bar Ilan University and heads the “Matibta” program and the head of the “Safra” program.

Naama Set has won scholarships and awards, including an award from the Center for the Study of Women in Judaism, research scholarships and the President’s Scholarship for outstanding doctoral students.

In 2021, Naama joined the Religious Board of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization

Naama is married to Rabbi Ari Set, who serves as the rabbi and rabbi of Kibbutz Sa’ad.

Tzohar Board of Directors

Alan Gelman

Tzohar Board of Directors

Mr. Gelman has been the Chief Financial Officer of Bezeq Group, Israel’s largest and leading telecommunications group since 2008and prior to that was the Chief Financial Officer of Partner Communications Company and Barak ITC. Mr Gelman holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Queens College in New York and an MBA from Hofstra University in New York. Mr. Gelman is licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the USA and in Israel.

Tzohar Board of Directors

Muriel Matalon, Adv.

Tzohar Board of Directors

Adv. Muriel Matalon (born 1948) is a senior partner and chairman of the management committee

Of the law firm of Adv. Gornitzky & Co., which is one of the largest and oldest law firms in the country.

He holds a bachelor’s degree with honors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Muriel was born and raised in Tel Aviv, the sixth generation in the country and a descendant of Aharon Matalon, who settled about two hundred years ago in the Land of Israel (1817) and renewed the Jewish community in the city of Jaffa.

In addition to his legal work, Muriel founded the Israeli Foundation for UNICEF-The World Organization for Children and served as chairman of the foundation and worked for years to promote the status of the child in Israel.

Muriel joined the Board of Directors of Tzohar in 2020.

Tzohar Board of Directors

Nadav Kidron

Tzohar Board of Directors

Mr. Kidron currently serves as CEO & Director of Oramed Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ORMP), an oral drug delivery company, founded in 2006. He is a member on the Board of Directors of Entera Bio,a joint venture formed by Oramed and DNA Biomedical Solutions, and is Chairman of Project Innovation, an initiative to raise global awareness of Israel’s entrepreneurial culture.

Tzohar Board of Directors

Kim Ephrat

Tzohar Board of Directors

Ms. Kim Ephrat immigrated to Israel in 1996 from Los Angeles, California, and has been working at Nefesh B’Nefesh since 2004  helping to promote Aliyah in North America and assisting Olim with their professional and personal integration into Israeli society. She has served on the board of several educational institutions in Gush Etzion. Kim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Jewish History from Barnard College and a JD from Cardozo School of Law

Contact Tzohar

Joel Koschitzky

Tzohar Board of Directors

Mr. Koschitzky immigrated to Israel in 1982 from Toronto, Canada and is the president and chairman of Surecomp, Yael Software and other ventures.  Mr. Koschitzky works tireless for the public good via his personal and hands-on involvement with select NGOs that promote education and pluralism in Israel.

Tzohar Board of Directors

Dr. Eyal Shekel

Tzohar Board of Directors

Dr. Shekel is the founder and CEO of Civan Advanced Technologies Ltd, a Jerusalem based Hi-Tech Company. 

Tzohar Board of Directors

Rabbi David Stav

Tzohar Board of Directors

Madelaine is an award winning Creative and Marketing Consultant who is committed to working on a voluntary basis as Tzohar’s Resource Development Chair. Madelaine moved with her family from London, UK to Jerusalem in 2007, where she continued to build her track record of creating successful brands, campaigns and initiatives for a variety of leading national organizations and causes. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of Manchester, UK, and has also recently trained as a Life Coach.


Rabbi Dr. Moshe Beeri

Executive Director

Moshe joined the Tzohar rabbinical organization after many years of study in which he gained education and professional experience in the field of Jewish law

He holds a bachelor’s degree in law and social sciences, a master’s and a doctorate in Hebrew law (from the Talmud Department), and founded the Gazit Institute – the Association of Courts.

Moshe served as a researcher at the Institute of Hebrew Law Applications at Netanya College. He is married to Dasi, father of four children and lives in Shaalvim

Why Tzohar?

The future of the people of Israel depends on the Jewish identity of the State of Israel. Tzohar is the only organization that allows so many Jews to connect with their Judaism and ensure the future of the people of Israel.

Eran Cohen

Chief Financial Officer

Eran believes that to be effective you must combine education and Jewish identity.

He served as an emissary of the Liaison Office in the Prime Minister’s Office, an emissary of the Jewish Agency, and a project manager at the Jewish Agency. He is one of the founders of the Institute for Jewish Studies in the Path to Conversion, and still devotes his time to promoting education for excellence in Israel.

Eran is married to Keren, they have four children and live in Ashdod.

Why Tzohar? Tzohar embodies everything I believe in: Torah for all the people of Israel.

Rabbi Uriel Ganzel

Director of Public Policy

Rav Stav is a graduate of Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav and has qualification for Dayanut (Rabbinical Judge) from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Rav Stav lectures in the women’s Judaic program at Bar Ilan University, authors a weekly column in the Israel Hayom newspaper and recently published several books on Halacha and the Bible.

Under Rav Stav’s courageous leadership, Tzohar has emerged as one of the most dominant social forces, paving the way for a more ethical, inclusive and inspiring approach to Zionist, Jewish life in Israel.

Channi Genud

Director of Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program

Channi integrates her knowledge of sciences and education. She has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, a master’s degree in educational counseling, served as a teacher of matriculation, and a social activist in the religious community in Lod.

Channi is married to Yanki, they have five children and live in Lod

Why Tzohar? A combination of doing for the individual and the whole.

Rabbis Israel - Rabbi Boaz Ganot

Rabbi Boaz Genut

Director of Resource Development

Boaz weaves creative thinking that leads the marriage venture and builds a young rabbinical leadership.

He holds a rabbinical certification, a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in business administration.

Served as head of the community beit midrash “Torah Mitzion” in St. Louis USA, and later as CEO of Torah Mitzion – Zionist Kollels for the Diaspora

Rav Boaz is married to Heftzi , they have seven children and live in Psagot

Why Tzohar? To be part of a serious group that influences and shapes the Jewish identity of the State of Israel.

Zifit Shafir

Director of Marriage Department

With experience in computer science and a bachelor’s degree in special education and computer science she leads a department that brings together thousands of couples in marriage.

Zivit is married to Tzur, they have 6 children and live in Lod.

Why Tzohar?

My belief in the way of the righteous and contributing to the people of Israel, surrounded by the warm and friendly atmosphere of the staff.

Rabbi Aharon Cohen

Head of Marriage Department

Naomi Ansbacher

Director of Volunteers

After many years in education, Naomi left to create Tzoahr’s ‘Tovim HaShnaim’ project, which trains counselors to guide religious brides and grooms and teaches the power of relationships, and she managed the entire bridal counseling program of the organization. Naomi has a bachelor’s degree in education.

Naomi is married to Rabbi David, they have six children and live in Jerusalem.

Why Tzohar? The ultimate place to create meaningful encounters, which deepen Jewish identity. (With the help of hundreds of wonderful volunteers)

Shai Solomon

Director of Bereavement Services

Established and manages Tzohar’s Bereavement Program.

Born in Jerusalem, married to Rachel, they have four children and thirteen grandchildren.

He studied at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva and the HaKotel Hesder Yeshiva, with a master’s degree in educational counseling from Columbia University in New York.

Shai founded and managed “The Israeli Center” of the OU in Jerusalem, and managed the “Higher Institute of Torah” at Bar-Ilan University.

Why Tzohar? I have always aspired to be a “slave to a holy people in the Holy Land,” and I get complete satisfaction helping the Jews in Israel connect to their Jewish identity.

Ori Shechter

Director of Shorashim

With rich command and management experience, Uri leads the Tzohar’s Shorashim (Jewish Roots) Program.

Ori served as CEO of Group, CEO of Jerusalem Central Station. He was a Lt. Col. in reserve.

Ori is married to Kana, they have sic children and live in Rosh Tzurim

Why Tzohar? A value-based ​​organization, which promotes the Jewish identity of all the people of Israel and strengthens the unity of the people of Israel and not the individual.

Rabbi Shimon Har Shalom

Head of Jewish Clarification

Esti Wolfson

Director of Jewish Holiday Programs

Esti has a bachelor’s degree in social sciences and human resources.

Previously worked as a marketing, content and logistics coordinator in various locations. She is one of the founders of the young community in Givat HaZeitim in Lod.

Married to Eli, they have three children and live in Lod.

Why Tzohar? To create a connection to the entire population in all its shades through a common tradition.

Tzofia Hershfeld

Director of External Relations

Tzofia comes from the world of literature and media, she has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in comparative literature, and certificate based studies in journalism and communication.

She worked for many years as a journalist in various media outlets and covered a variety of topics including education, Judaism and culture.

Tzofia is married to Shmulik, they have four children and live in Moshav Nahalim.

Why Tzohar? Because it is an opportunity to be part of a rare combination of action and vision that touches not only a cross section of the people and their lives, but society as a whole for those who want to take part.

Yehuda Zeiderman

Director of Kashrut

Yehuda joined the Tzohar rabbinical organization after 30 years as an owner and CEO of the catering company Liab. He has a bachelor’s degree in law.

Yehida is married to Bracha, they have five children and live in Jerusalem.

Why Tzohar? My dedication to social action

Rabbi Oren Duvdevani

Rabbinic Head of Kashrut


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  • Sends Israeli Jews a reminder Jews worldwide care about them.
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