Keeping Israel
Jewish, Together

About Tzohar

Get to Know Us

We are an energetic, people-centric movement that is fast becoming the choice for today’s generation of Jewish Israelis who crave a positive, meaningful, halachic experience of their Jewish identity.

We actively involve ourselves with everything relevant to Jewish society in Israel.

Our fresh and welcoming programs, services, and holiday experiences impact hundreds of thousands of families.

Our public policy work is successfully evolving workable solutions from within the Knesset, in response to national Jewish social and political issues.

Tzohar’s smart, can-do, approach to our ancient heritage in our modern Jewish State is keeping the Jewish people Jewish.


What is Tzohar All About

We are an energetic, people-centric movement that is fast becoming the choice for today’s generation of Jewish Israelis who crave a positive, meaningful, halachic experience of their Jewish identity.

We actively involve ourselves with everything relevant to Jewish society in Israel.

Our fresh and welcoming programs, services, and holiday experiences impact hundreds of thousands of families.

Our public policy work is successfully evolving workable solutions from within the Knesset, in response to national Jewish social and political issues.

Tzohar’s smart, can-do, approach to our ancient heritage in our modern Jewish State is keeping the Jewish people Jewish.


Play a Part in Tzohar

Tzohar is your chance to join a growing international network of thousands of activists who are effecting change and actively building our movement in their local communities, initiating Tzohar events and activities, and cultivating relevance, respect, and sensitivity within Jewish society.

Whether you have five minutes to spare or you want to get deeply involved, Tzohar has a way for you to play a part.

  • Subscribe to our email list to get breaking news and updates about important issues and events.
  • Join a Tzohar holiday happening or utilize our grassroots services.
  • Engage in advocacy, push for legislative reform, and spread the word in your community.
  • Organize a local HUB or follow a certain issue.

Please browse through this website and find an area that appeals to you.

Tzohar Events & Activities

How to Get Involved

Tzohar is your chance to join a growing international network of thousands of activists who are effecting change and actively building our movement in their local communities, initiating Tzohar events and activities, and cultivating relevance, respect, and sensitivity within Jewish society.

Whether you have five minutes to spare or you want to get deeply involved, Tzohar has a way for you to play a part.

  • Subscribe to our email list to get breaking news and updates about important issues and events.
  • Join a Tzohar holiday happening or utilize our grassroots services.
  • Engage in advocacy, push for legislative reform, and spread the word in your community.
  • Organize a local HUB or follow a certain issue.


Tzohar Food Supervision

In response to growing demand for a reliable, professional and transparent national kashrut system, Tzohar has launched a food supervision subsidiary entitled “Tzohar Food Supervision”

By introducing competition, transparency, businesslike procedures, standards and controls – set by a respected committee of expert Rabbis – Tzohar is enabling more outlets to sell kosher food, with ease.

Our fresh, smart, innovative approach includes training women as kashrut supervisors; a breakthrough towards integrating women into Israel’s kashrut system.

Tzohar’s Food Supervision service is led by Rabbi Oren Duvdevani, an international expert on kashrut.

Jewish Ancestry - Shorashim

Tzohar Roots Investigation Unit

More than one million Israelis (around 20% of all Jews living in Israel) lack the tools and the knowledge necessary to authenticate their Jewish status and to live full Jewish lives.

Tzohar has responded by developing a ground-breaking methodology that combines proof of Jewish roots (shorashim) and forensic Investigation techniques with expert genealogical research skills.

Our Shorashim Forensic Unit is uniquely positioned to helps immigrants from the FSU, North and South America to confirm their Jewish roots and thus to legally marry as Jews in Israel.

To date we have successfully authenticated the Jewish identity of over 40,000 Jews.

Israel’s Knesset

Public Policy

Tisha B’Av 2024

The 2024 Tzohar Kinot Companion – From Shemini Atzeret to Tisha B’Av

We are living in a period of unspeakable loss and pain. The blood of our nation’s heroes who have fallen on the battlefield in defense of our land, has become mixed together with that of the victims of the massacres of that horrific October day.
Images of Jews slaughtered simply because they were Jews, images that we always associated with Kishinev and Babi Yar, have been thrust back into our modern Jewish minds.

This companion to the kinot, including a new kinah – Kinat Be’eri – seeks to ensure that we are able to feel and remember the power and pain of the times we are living in, right alongside the tragedies that are inextricable aspects of our national history.

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Shavuot 2024

As we approach Shavuot, the day traditionally associated with Torah study, we know that this year in particular the holiday will be an opportunity for personal and communal reflection around themes of national pain, loss, as well as hope for a better tomorrow, that have become so relevant in the wake of October 7th and the ongoing war.

In response, Tzohar has compiled ten thought-provoking essays from Israeli personalities directly affected by the ongoing events, that have been translated into English.

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Pesach 2024

Pesach Sale of Chametz 2024 Selling your chametz with Tzohar is as easy as1 Click the link2 Fill in your details3 Submit!Available in Hebrew, English, Russian, French and SpanishSales close at 9am Israel time on Monday, April 22, 2024 View More Tzohar Events

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

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